Sunday, November 18, 2018

Comparision between Azure VS AWS Vs Google Cloud

Just wanted to put comparision chart between Azure , AWS, Google Cloud Platform, based on my knowledge and experience.
Features Azure AWS Google
COMPUTECompute is based on its Virtual Machines that are attached to other tools such as Resource Manager and Cloud Services to deploy applications on the cloud platform.

Azure users choose Virtual ard Disk (VHD), which is equivalent to a Machine Instance, to create a VM. 

VHD can be pre-configured by Microsoft, the user or a third party. 
The user must specify the amount of cores and memory.
EC2 is the primary offering of AWS in the realm of compute. EC2 provides a wide range of options to facilitate users with customized offerings. Other computing services of AWS contains EC2 Container Service, AWS Autoscaling and Lambda as well as Elastic Beanstalk for app deployment.

AWS EC2 users can configure their own VMs or choose pre-configured machine images, or 

customize MIs. Users choose size, power, memory capacity and number of VMs, and choose from different regions and availability zones with which to launch from.
Google's scalable Compute Engine delivers VMs in Google's data centres. They are quick to boot, come with persistent disk storage, promise consistent
performance and are highly customisable depending on the needs of the customer.
STORAGE Include its core
Azure Storage service, 
Azure Blob block storage, 
as well as 
Table, Queue and File storage.
 It also offers Site Recovery, Import Export and Azure Backup.

Azure offers temporary storage through D drive, block storage through Page Blobs for VMs. 

Block Blobs and Files also serve as object storage. 
Supports relational databases; NoSQL and Big Data through Azure Table and HDInsight. 

Azure also offers site recovery, Import Export and Azure Backup for additional archiving and recovery options.
It includes its
Simple Storage (S3),
Elastic Block Storage (EBS),
Elastic File System (EFS),
Import/Export large volume data transfer service,
Glacier archive backup and Storage Gateway,
which integrates with on-premise environments.

AWS has temporary storage that is allocated once an instance is started and destroyed when the instance is terminated. 

They also provide block storage (same as hard disks), that can be separate or attached to an instance. 

Object storage is offered with S3; and data archiving services with Glacier. 

Fully supports relational and NoSQL databases and Big Data.
NETWORKING Microsoft offers Virtual Network (VNET) that offers users ability to create isolated networks
as well as subnets, route tables, private IP address ranges and network gateways. Both companies

offer solutions to extend the on-premise data center into the cloud and firewall option
Amazon offers Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) so users can create isolated networks within the cloud. Within a VPC, a user can create subnets, route tables, private IP address ranges, and network gateways.Same as other 2 in networking features like load balancing, on premise systems.
DATABASES Supports NoSQL databases, relational databases, and Big Data through HDInsight and Windows Azure Table.Completely supports NoSQL and relational databases as well as Big Data.Supports Relational Databases along with Google Bigtable.
SECURITY Cloud security is divided into five layers such as data, application, host, network, and physical. Azure infrastructure protects the Azure ecosystem from all vulnerabilities. For the user’s data security, Microsoft offers various services such as:
  • Controlling and managing user access and identity
  • Securing Networks
  • Encrypting operation and communication process
  • Managing Threats
Assures users to have increased privacy and more controls at the lower cost. Main benefits of electing AWS are:
  • Keep All Your Data Safe
  • Quick Application/Solution Scalability
  • Meet Compliance Requirements
  • Save Costs
PRICING MODEL Microsoft’s pricing is also pay-as-you-go, but they charge per minute, which provides a more exact pricing model. Azure also offers short term commitments with the option between pre-paid or monthly charges
 Amazon has a pay-as-you-go model, where they charge per hour. Instances are purchasable on the following models:
  1. On demand: Pay for what you use without upfront cost
  2. Reserved: Reserve an instance for 1 or 3 years with upfront cost based on use
  3. Spot: Customers bid for extra capacity available

Open Space
If you are already using windows development tools such as VBS, SQL DB, Active Directory, Azure offers Native integration for these tools.
For example, use the same AD accounts you currently have to sign into office 365 or Azure SQL instances.  Azure also good for .NET developers. 
AWS has better integration with open source community. like jenkins and github. And also friendlier to Linux servers.