Saturday, August 6, 2022

5 must-ask questions for evaluating new product opportunities:

 5 must-ask questions for evaluating new product opportunities:

1. Who is the customer? (Segment) 2. How do we know their problems? (Discovery) 3. How do we reach out to them? (Go To Market) 4. How do we iterate/ scale? (Roadmap) 5. How do we know we are succeeding? (Metrics)

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Evolution of the Netflix API architecture


Monolith. The application is packaged and deployed as a monolith, such as a single Java WAR file, Rails app, etc. Most startups begin with a monolith architecture.

Direct access. In this architecture, a client app can make requests directly to the microservices. With hundreds or even thousands of microservices, exposing all of them to clients is not ideal.

Gateway aggregation layer. Some use cases may span multiple services, we need a gateway aggregation layer. Imagine the Netflix app needs 3 APIs  (movie, production, talent) to render the frontend. The gateway aggregation layer makes it possible.

Federated gateway. As the number of developers grew and domain complexity increased, developing the API aggregation layer became increasingly harder. GraphQL federation allows Netflix to set up a single GraphQL gateway that fetches data from all the other APIs.


[1] How Netflix Scales its API with GraphQL Federation (Part 1): (image source)

[2] Why You Can't Talk About Microservices Without Mentioning Netflix:

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

How to Scale website? Its also applicable to all the products


Suppose we have two services: inventory service (handles product descriptions and inventory management) and user service (handles user information, registration, login, etc.).

Step 1 - With the growth of the user base, one single application server cannot handle the traffic anymore. We put the application server and the database server into two separate servers.

Step 2 - The business continues to grow, and a single application server is no longer enough. So we deploy a cluster of application servers.

Step 3 - Now the incoming requests have to be routed to multiple application servers, how can we ensure each application server gets an even load? The load balancer handles this nicely.

Step 4 - With the business continuing to grow, the database might become the bottleneck. To mitigate this, we separate reads and writes in a way that frequent read queries go to read replicas. With this setup,
the throughput for the database writes can be greatly increased.

Step 5 - Suppose the business continues to grow. One single database cannot handle the load on both the inventory table and user table. We have a few options:
1. Vertical partition. Adding more power (CPU, RAM, etc.) to the database server. It has a hard limit.
2. Horizontal partition by adding more database servers.
3. Adding a caching layer to offload read requests.

Step 6 - Now we can modularize the functions into different services. The architecture becomes service-oriented / microservice.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

How does CDC (Change Data Capture) work?

 Data stored in the database could be interesting to many other data systems, such as analytics, AI, etc. If we have thousands of data systems, do we have to write thousands of converters?

The answer is NO. Change data capture (CDC) is a process that can solve the problem. This is how CDC works:

1. Data is written to the database normally.

2. Database uses the transaction log to record the modifications. 

3. CDC software uses the source connector to connect to the database and reads the transaction log.

4. The source connector publishes the log to the message queue.

5. CDC software uses its sink connector to consume the log.

6. The sink connector writes the log content to the destination.

All these operations except step 1 are transparent to the user. Popular CDC solutions, such as  Debezium, have connectors for most databases, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2, Oracle, etc. We only need to set up the CDC link between two databases and the data will automatically flow to the destination. 

Saturday, May 21, 2022

How to design Secure Web API?


𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝

Step 1 - the user enters their password into the client, and the client sends the password to the Authentication Server.

Step 2 - the Authentication Server authenticates the credentials and generates a token with an expiry time.

Steps 3 and 4 - now the client can send requests to access server resources with the token in the HTTP header. This access is valid until the token expires.

𝐇𝐌𝐀𝐂 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝

This mechanism generates a Message Authentication Code (signature) by using a hash function (SHA256 or MD5).

Steps 1 and 2 - the server generates two keys, one is Public APP ID (public key) and the other one is API Key (private key). 

Step 3 - we now generate a HMAC signature on the client side (hmac A). This signature is generated with a set of attributes listed in the diagram.

Step 4 - the client sends requests to access server resources with hmac A in the HTTP header.

Step 5 - the server receives the request which contains the request data and the authentication header. It extracts the necessary attributes from the request and uses the API key that’s stored on the server side to generate a signature (hmac B.)

Steps 6 and 7 - the server compares hmac A (generated on the client  side) and hmac B (generated on the server side). If they are matched, the requested resource will be returned to the client.

Question - How does HMAC authentication ensure data integrity

Why do we include “request timestamp” in HMAC signature generation?

How does HTTPS work?

 Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is an extension of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP.) HTTPS transmits encrypted data using Transport Layer Security (TLS.) If the data is hijacked online, all the hijacker gets is binary code.

How is the data encrypted and decrypted?

Step 1 - The client (browser) and the server establish a TCP connection.

Step 2 - The client sends a “client hello” to the server. The message contains a set of necessary encryption algorithms (cipher suites) and the latest TLS version it can support. The server responds with a “server hello” so the browser knows whether it can support the algorithms and TLS version.

The server then sends the SSL certificate to the client. The certificate contains the public key, host name, expiry dates, etc. The client validates the certificate.

Step 3 - After validating the SSL certificate, the client generates a session key and encrypts it using the public key. The server receives the encrypted session key and decrypts it with the private key.

Step 4 - Now that both the client and the server hold the same session key (symmetric encryption), the encrypted data is transmitted in a secure bi-directional channel

Why does HTTPS switch to symmetric encryption during data transmission? There are two main reasons:
1. Security: The asymmetric encryption goes only one way. This means that if the server tries to send the encrypted data back to the client, anyone can decrypt the data using the public key.

2. Server resources: The asymmetric encryption adds quite a lot of mathematical overhead. It is not suitable for data transmissions in long sessions.Over to you: how much performance overhead does HTTPS add, compared to HTTP?

Monday, May 16, 2022

How does SSO Work - Thanks to


Step 1: A user visits Gmail, or any email service. Gmail finds the user is not logged in and so redirects them to the SSO authentication server, which also finds the user is not logged in. As a result, the user is redirected to the SSO login page, where they enter their login credentials.

Steps 2-3: The SSO authentication server validates the credentials, creates the global session for the user, and creates a token.

Steps 4-7: Gmail validates the token in the SSO authentication server. The authentication server registers the Gmail system, and returns “valid.” Gmail returns the protected resource to the user.

Step 8: From Gmail, the user navigates to another Google-owned website, for example, YouTube. 

Steps 9-10: YouTube finds the user is not logged in, and then requests authentication. The SSO authentication server finds the user is already logged in and returns the token.

Step 11-14: YouTube validates the token in the SSO authentication server. The authentication server registers the YouTube system, and returns “valid.” YouTube returns the protected resource to the user.

The process is complete and the user gets back access to their account.