Thursday, February 4, 2016


What is Cordova?

Apache Cordova is an open-source framework for creating mobile applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You do not need to know about native application programming for iOS or Android to create a Cordova application. Cordova generates the native apps with command-line tools.

Which Bluemix Mobile Services support Cordova?

  • Push Notifications: Send and manage mobile push notifications that are targeted to iOS and Android platforms.
  • Mobile Client Access: Configure client authentication, identity providers, monitoring, and logging for your mobile app.

Getting started with Cordova

If you’ve never worked with Cordova before, start out with our Cordova Hello World sample app. The documentation for this sample walks you through how to create a mobile backend on Bluemix and how to connect your Cordova application with the mobile backend without security enabled. The Cordova SDK is embedded in the sample; seeGetting started with the HelloWorld sample for step-by-step instructions

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